The Transitory Self
Photo series
This project was originally conceived as a photo diary with an open-ended theme during a transitional period in my life, with the only goal of using photography for therapeutic purposes. The resulting series is presented in diptychs combined with pieces of texts that intend to shed a light on how mental health issues have affected me throughout my life, showing how it's not just a passing thing based on circumstances but a condition I live with every day.
20150824-20150825 the only way to reach closure is by opening up
20150831-20151205 a clear path does not guarantee reassurance
20151027-20151201 the body follows intention but it’s not enough
20151010-20151218 a notion of option
20151024-20151118 desire ends up on the floor
20151019-20151211 accommodation
20151004-20150901 submersion
20151219-20150909 it’s in self-accomplishment that lies the biggest doubt
20151015-20151106 bleakness can’t be saved by magic
20150929-20150919 fact gets in the way of perception
20151018-20150930 still a blur and yet so clear
20151022-20151101 where dreams long lived overcame destruction
20151115-20151121 sunburn
20151222-20150905 it’s a trailing fantasy
20150920-20160113 assisted living
20151110-20151104 a view of opposing matters
20151207-20151013 observation leads
20151114-20151221 recovery is unknown and requires deep reflection
20150916-20151212 there’s still something